Wednesday 17 December 2014



During this treatment the body or any specific part is made to perspire by the external application of medicated packs in the form of boluses tied in cloth bags. This is performed in three different forms called Njavarakizhi, Podikizhi and Elakizhi. In the first form the packs are made of certain medicinal puddings made of special rice called Njavara rice prepared in milk and herbal decoction. In the second form the packs are made of various herbal powders and the third form is made of herbal leaves. This treatment is very effective for musculoskeletal disorders, degenerative and neurological problems.


This is a very effective treatment for Rheumatic and Neurological disorders. It helps rejuvenate the whole body and mind by systematic application of herbal oils. During this treatment the patient is made to lie down in a wooden tub specially made for the treatment. Warm medicated oil is applied all over the body and Ayurvedic traditional massage is done.


Dhara is used as an effective Nervine energizer and as a therapy for psychosomatic disorders. This process is pouring a steady stream of medicated oil over the forehead maintained at a specific temperature. It helps improve memory, ensures sound sleep and stops hair fall. Dhara is also performed by pouring medicated milk or buttermilk.


This system is more useful for severe head ache, facial paralysis, burning sensation of the head, dryness of nostril, mouth and throat. This is performed by pouring specially prepared herbal oil into a cap fitted on the head. Generally the oil is retained in the cap for a maximum of 40-45 minutes or as per the condition of the patient.


Abhyangam is a traditional massage performed all over the body and head with gentle warm Ayurvedic oils. This helps improve blood circulation, relives skin tenderness, prevents aging, rejuvenates the whole body, gives good sleep, promotes vitality and reduces stress and pain.

Rejuvenation therapy helps detoxification of our system. Specially made herbal oils and medicines are used for the treatment. This will nourish and strengthen our body and mind, improve youthfulness, physical stamina, memory and health.


This is a very effective treatment for strain relief due to our daily routines, stress at work place, etc. This will help relax the mind and body immensely.


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