Wednesday 17 December 2014


Naturopathy is a health practice by applying natural therapies such as fasting therapy, nutritional & herbal medicines, flower essence, water therapy, lifestyle counseling, acupuncture, mud therapy, reflexology and deep tissue massages. In this era of all the progression in technology, environmental pollution, poor diet and mental and physical stress play very important role in causing health issues. Under naturopathy system, every person will be given special care and see the humanity as a holistic unity of body, mind and spirit.

According to Indian Naturopathy the human way of life owes to the composite representation of all the forces of nature such as Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether. Any disturbance in the stability of such forces would lead to accumulation of toxins in the body which will result into ill health. Using the range of alternative methods of diagnosis, we will be able to pin-point a predisposition in the body and treat the patient with specific modalities in therapy. The innate principle is that the body has the capacity to heal itself if the naturopathy is provided in the right environment.

We have the knowledge and understanding of the complete cycle of Naturopathic system of healing and invite you all to visit us and experience the therapy…


Hydrotherapy involves the use of water for treatments. The physical properties of water such as temperature and pressure are being used for therapeutic purposes. Rejuvenating therapies like Hip bath, Hip-sitz-spinal spray combo bath, Cold circular jet, Neutral under water massage, Spinal bath, etc are conducted in this system. Hydrotherapy is very effective for almost all abdominal diseases, it relieves constipation and indigestion, reduces obesity, inflammation of uterus, pelvic organs, piles, hepatic & splenic congestion, urinary incontinence, etc. This therapy is used for stress relief as well as relaxation purposes.

Mud Therapy

Mud therapy is employed to free interference fields in the body which are the areas on the body that tests abnormality as a result of individual or multiple factors such as scars, physical or emotional trauma, infection, nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, etc. Mud is one of the five elements of nature having its immense impact on the body in health as well as in sickness. This is used as the best therapeutic agent in Naturopathy treatment.

The physical body and the energy body are the two aspects to every person and the energy body animates the physical body. Any physical or emotional trauma can cause damage to the energy body. The injury or trauma to the physical body may be healed but in many cases the flow of energy in the affected area may be stopped or stagnant. In such cases it can block the flow of energy to any other area of the body. Such sufferers are being treated very effectively with mud therapy. Mud causes cooling effect on the body when applied by absorbing the heat of the body. Mud therapy reduces inflammation of the affected area in the body and improves blood circulation, improves absorption and elimination.

Diet Therapy

Diet is an essential element and held vital role in naturopathic therapy. The dietary and lifestyle are being monitored and proper instructions are given by the doctors before commencement of the treatment. Diet plays a major role in maintaining good health, preventing diseases as well as in treating disharmonies, if any. Diet also helps in supplying the required nutrients to the body and recuperating the affected organs. 
Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is an act of drug free, non-invasive and humanistic approach based on the natural ability of the body to heal itself. It is the treatment of external and deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues using various methodologies to improve mobility and help in curing process. Massage is a very effective therapy for a variety of health conditions such as Cancer related fatigue, Sleep disorders, High blood pressure, Diabetes, Lower back pain, Immunity suppression, Spinal cord injury, Autism, Post-operative care, Depression, Smoking cessation, etc.


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