Sunday 4 January 2015

What is Yoga ?

Ans. Yoga originated thousand of years ago in India as a technique to help people achieve spiritual enlightenment. Today, people practice yoga to improve their physical, mental and spiritual well - being. Most forms of yoga involve physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation.

 How safe it is ?

Ans. Practicing yoga is generally safe, but take it easy in your first few classes, there's no reason to push beyond your limits. Also, if you have back, knee, or other physical problems, get the go-ahead from your doctor first, since some poses can aggravate injuries. And tell your teacher beforehand about any limitation or concerns you have, so he or she can help you with alternate or modified poses.

What are the benefits of yoga ?

Ans. Yoga strengthens and tones muscle, improves balance and flexibility and increases blood flow and vitality. It's also a great way to reduce stress. Researchers at Harvard Medical School found yoga lowers chemicals in the blood stream associated with anxiety and triggers other physiological relaxation responses, such as reducing muscle tension and lowering heart rate.


Does it matter that I'm not very flexible ?

Ans. Not at all, a good instructor can adapt the poses to fit any level of student. Over time, your flexibility will improve.

How often do I need to practice yoga ?

Ans.  Practicing two to three times a week for 45 minutes to an hour is good goal to work towards. Another alternative is to practice 15 minutes every day. The more you practice, then you feel more benefit.

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